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Information on the degree programmes Sport, Business & Law / Teacher EducationHide

Student Advising (information on the bachelor's pogramme Sport, Business & Law)

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-4433
E-Mail: studienberatung@uni-bayreuth.de

information on the bachelor's programme Sport, Business & Law

E-Mail: sportoekonomie@uni-bayreuth.de

Christian Brandt, Heiko Heidenreich (information on the master's programme Sport, Business & Law)

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3476
E-Mail: masterberatung.spoeko@uni-bayreuth.de

Teacher Education:

apl. Prof. Dr. Peter Kuhn
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3469
E-Mail: peter.kuhn@uni-bayreuth.de

Directors & SecretaryHide

Prof. Dr. Manuel Steinbauer and Prof. Dr. Tim Ströbel
Directors BaySpo

Bianca Hahn
Secretary BaySpo

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-3461
E-Mail: bayspo@uni-bayreuth.de
Adress for visitors: Building Sport, Room 1.10
Consultation hours: Tuesday 9-10 am and Thursday 10-11 am

Lost propertyHide

Have you lost or found something? Please contact:

Matteo Sack
Technical Staff

Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5843
Mobil: +49 (0)174 / 7810524
E-mail: matteo.sack@uni-bayreuth.de

Building: Sport, Room 0.16

Examination Offices for the Teacher Education ProgrammeHide

Division I/4.1, Building ZUV, Room 1.06
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5250, -5252
E-Mail: pruefungsamt.zuv1@uvw.uni-bayreuth.de

Examination Office, local Office (1st state examination)

Division I/1b, Building ZUV, Room 1.34
Phone: +49 (0)921 / 55-5288, -5289
E-Mail: aussenstellepruefungsamt.lpo-I@uvw.uni-bayreuth.de

Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 09:00-12:00 a.m.
Wednesday 09:00 a.m. - 15:30 Uhr p.m.

Examination Office for Sport, Business & Law (B.Sc. & M. Sc.)Hide

Claudia Reiß
Phone: +49 (0)921 /55-5231
E-Mail: claudia.reiss@uni-bayreuth.de

Address for visitors: Building ZUV, Room 1.11
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 09:00-12:00 a.m

Mailing addressHide

Mailing Address:

Universität Bayreuth
BaySpo - Bayreuther Zentrum für Sportwissenschaft
Universitätsstraße 30
D-95440 Bayreuth

Please address packages to:

Universität Bayreuth
BaySpo - Bayreuther Zentrum für Sportwissenschaft
Universitätsstraße 30
D-95447 Bayreuth


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